Bubbles, Uncle Snouse, Lamb and Hoot

Second colour option, as the amount of colour was overpowering the line work as the colours used on the T.shirts are very bright and bold not so pastel and subtle as my original designs.
These designs are now up on the Arck website available to purchase for £19.99 - £5.00 per T.shirt sold goes to me: T.shirt colours: grey, white or black in a variety of men's and women's sizes. There are 14 different colour options and for £1.99 extra you get a small canvas tote with my logo on!
www.arckclothing.com - scroll down to Exclusives and click on 'White Wolf'

This has been a great little project for me to do over Easter gaining further experience in professional practice and promoting. The characters I chose to use as designs are characters form my main project so everything ties in nicely. I also used 3 of them in the Urban Outfitters Wallpaper (soon to be up on the web)